Following the relaxation of lockdown rules to allow the playing of tennis, the LTA has published a document entitled: ‘Guidance for Players – COVID-19: Return to Restricted Play’ which outlines guidance for playing in England. The advice includes a requirement to ‘Take a hand sanitizer,’ and disinfectant manufacturer Adrian Gee-Turner suggests choosing a sanitiser which is able to disinfect both hands and surfaces.

“As well as disinfecting hands, it is also good practice to disinfect everything you touch,” Adrian explains. “This includes the steering wheel of your car, your mobile phone, your keys, your racket and your tennis balls.

“Very few antiviral, antibacterial disinfectants can be used on both surfaces and skin, but our Nemesis eH2O is designed for just that, and stock is now available from the Boots and Pearl Chemist websites.

“An additional benefit of Nemesis eH2O is that it is also antiseptic, so it can be used on cuts and grazes too.”

Tennis players are currently advised to play singles, unless in a household, and to take all their own equipment, with tennis balls marked with the owner’s initials so that he/she can only serve with their own balls.